Our latest work with social arts agency Heart of Glass promotes their upcoming project Street Hunt – a kind of visual crossword puzzle and treasure hunt where the riches are road names. Using the Street Hunt book, a story will emerge from the page and give you a chance to win up to £6,000.

A poem has been written with words from St Helens road names. A book of photographs shows the street signs and their surroundings but with the names removed. You have to work out what the streets are, and complete the poem to solve the puzzle. Created by artist Joshua Sofaer and produced in St Helens by Heart of Glass, Street Hunt was originally commissioned by Norfolk and Norwich Festival.

Street Hunt launches on Saturday 9 July and runs until a winner is found. You can pre-order a book here or buy in store at The Book Stop, Bridge Street, St Helens from Saturday 9 July, 10am.
Illustration by Alexandra Papagianni.