
Following on from our previous work with Lancaster University on their Queer Futures study we were asked to get involved with the follow-up study, Queer Futures 2.

Keeping to the brand we established for the first study in 2015, we refreshed the logo for QF2 and created some bold and colourful new illustrations to be used on the responsive website and social media channels.

In the first Queer Futures study, it was found that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning+ (LGBTQ+) young people were reluctant to seek help from mental health services, and when they did, they often found them unhelpful

In Queer Futures 2, the aim is to produce research that will improve the provision of mental health support for LGBTQ+ young people when they first start experiencing mental health problems.

For more information on this important study visit